I have been doing some development, on a pet project, using .NET, ASP .NET and EF Core.
Just few days ago I installed the Update 3 for VS 2015 . As you know this update contain the latest .NET Core versions.
Once I upgraded to the Update 3 I made some small changes to my EF model and wanted to create a migration. I went to the package manager console and run the following command:
Add-Migration AddForeignKeyPropertiesToGig
Running this command caused the following error:
Invalid JSON File in "……project.json".
The reason of this error was that the version of the Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Tools , in the tool section of the project.json, was different than the Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Tools version located in the dependencies:
Making the version of the Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Tools the same, in both section of the project.json file, should fix this error.
In mine case i made both of them "1.0.0-preview2-final"